New Era for Ammo Inc.: Sale of Manufacturing Assets

Ammo Inc., based in the Airpark, recently made headlines with its decision to sell its ammunition manufacturing assets to Olin Winchester LLC for $75 million. This move comes after Jared Smith was appointed as the company’s CEO in the summer of 2023, showcasing a shift in leadership and strategic direction.

The decision to sell its manufacturing assets was met with approval from Ammo Inc.’s board of directors, who saw it as a step towards long-term success and positioning the company for growth and profitability. Christos Tsentas, the chair of the board’s M&A committee, emphasized the importance of this move for the company’s shareholders, highlighting the board’s confidence in the potential for growth and expansion in the e-commerce space for firearms and related products through

The sale of its ammunition manufacturing assets will allow Ammo Inc. to focus on the growth and scalability of, which is the largest online marketplace for firearms, hunting, and related products. By streamlining its operations and becoming a more focused organization, Ammo Inc. aims to capitalize on the opportunities presented by the growing e-commerce market in the firearms and shooting sports industries.

Through, the company has made significant strides in enhancing buyers’ experiences by improving the checkout process and expanding services related to outdoor experiences. These initiatives have not only improved customer satisfaction but have also contributed to the overall success of the platform.

The sale of its manufacturing assets represents a new era for Ammo Inc., one that is characterized by a strategic shift towards maximizing the potential of and positioning the company as a key player in the e-commerce landscape for firearms and related products. With a clear focus on growth, scalability, and profitability, Ammo Inc. is poised to navigate the changing dynamics of the industry and emerge as a strong contender in the online marketplace for firearms and hunting gear.

As the company embarks on this new chapter, it will be interesting to see how Ammo Inc. leverages its resources and expertise to drive innovation, expand its customer base, and solidify its position as a leader in the firearms industry. The strategic sale of its manufacturing assets marks a pivotal moment in the company’s evolution, setting the stage for future success and growth in the ever-evolving world of e-commerce and online retail.