Tamás Menczer accuses Péter Magyar of manipulating the stock exchange for personal gain
n his Facebook post, stating that Péter Magyar is lying and spreading misinformation. Menczer also pointed out that Prime Minister Orbán’s assets have been public for 35 years, contrasting it with Magyar’s hidden wealth.
Menczer accused Magyar of incomplete and false wealth declaration in Brussels, suggesting that he is concealing his wealth obtained through stock exchange manipulation. The Director of Communications also questioned the whereabouts of the large sums mentioned in Magyar’s asset declaration.
Hungarian Members of Parliament are required to disclose their financial status annually by January 31st. Despite criticisms from liberal lawyers, the Hungarian wealth declaration system aligns with EU standards, making it one of the most comprehensive in Europe.
A comparison with Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) reveals that Hungarian MPs have a more rigorous reporting requirement. MEPs only need to declare real estate over €5,000, while Hungarian MPs must disclose various assets exceeding this amount. The Hungarian system provides more detailed information, placing the country ahead of many EU nations in terms of wealth declaration requirements.
While defending his stance on transparency, Péter Magyar failed to disclose his membership in a state-owned company’s Supervisory Board in late 2022. This oversight raised questions about his financial integrity, as he received a substantial monthly fee for his position, which he held until the company dissolved on January 1, 2023.
The ongoing debate around wealth disclosure underscores the importance of transparency in public office. The contrasting approaches of political figures like Péter Magyar and Prime Minister Orbán highlight the need for accountability and honesty in financial matters. As the Hungarian property declaration system continues to evolve, ensuring that officials accurately report their assets will remain a crucial aspect of upholding ethical standards in governance.