Deadline approaching to join Clif Bar class action settlement for cash payout.

The deadline for individuals to participate in a class action lawsuit regarding alleged mislabeling on Clif Bars packaging is fast approaching. Those interested in joining the lawsuit must file a claim by Saturday, Feb. 1. The settlement, totaling $12 million, stems from allegations that Clif Bars and ZBars were falsely marketed as “healthy” despite high levels of added sugar.

According to information on the settlement website, the company behind Clif Bars denies any wrongdoing and maintains the truthfulness of the statements on its labeling. They have agreed not to make specific statements on their packaging for at least two years as part of the settlement terms. The eligibility period for the settlement varies depending on the location of bar purchases. Residents of California and New York who bought bars between April 19, 2014 and March 31, 2023, or in all other states from March 31, 2019 to March 31, 2023 may qualify.

The products covered by the settlement include Original Clif Bars labeled with “Nutrition for Sustained Energy” and Clif Kid ZBars with packaging stating their aim to provide nutritious on-the-go snacks for kids made with organic ingredients. These bars claimed to offer a blend of carbs, fiber, protein, and fat to help kids stay energized. Phrases like “No High Fructose Corn Syrup” or “Nourishing Kids in Motion” were also noted on the packaging.

Individuals participating in the settlement will receive varying amounts of money based on the number of bars purchased. Proof of purchase is not necessary for inclusion in the settlement. Those who bought up to 30 bars will receive $5, while purchases of 31 to 60 bars will get $10. Consumers who purchased more than 60 bars are entitled to $15. However, those with proof of purchase may receive $15 for up to 60 bars and an additional 25 cents per bar beyond that, with a maximum payout of $50.

The actual amount paid out may change depending on the number of approved claims submitted. If you wish to obtain more information about the settlement, you can visit or contact the settlement administrator at (844) 537-1156.

In conclusion, it is essential for consumers who bought Clif Bars during specific timeframes to take action and file a claim to potentially receive compensation as part of the class action settlement.