CTansy (0002023569) Files SEC Form, Revealing Important Information
In a recent SEC filing, Tansy (0002023569) submitted a Form C disclosure. Form C is a filing required by the Securities and Exchange Commission for companies looking to raise capital through crowdfunding. This type of filing provides important information about the offering, including the amount being raised, the type of security being offered, and details about the company’s business.
Tansy, the filer of this Form C, is a company that is likely seeking to raise capital through crowdfunding. Unfortunately, without further information, it is challenging to provide a detailed overview of Tansy. It is advisable for investors and interested parties to visit Tansy’s website for more information about the company and its offerings.
For more information about Tansy and its crowdfunding campaign, please visit Tansy’s website.
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Tansy (0002023569) Files Form C with SEC